
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Memories of Doluca wines

Our last stop on our two day #EWBC pre-conference tour of Thrace wineries was Doluca Winery's production facility.  Before visiting Turkey I remember reading Tom Brosnahan's travel website, which gives an overview of Turkish wine regions. I also remember him noting that two vineyards, namely Kavaklidere and Doluca vineyards in mid 1900's, help set the standards for Turkish wine. During our travels in Turkey last I saw lots of evidence that this was the case. Our visit to Doluca's production facility was a glimpse into how its leadership at creating standards continues.
Doluca Winery, Thrace © Spaswinefood
Doluca Winery
Doluca Winery is one of Turkey's established wineries. This third generation winery was established in 1926 by Nihat A. Kutman, graduate of Geisenheim Wine Institute. He was followed by his son Ahmet Kutman, a graduate of University of California at Davis. Presently Ahmet Kutman's daughter, Sibil Kutman Oral and son, Ali Kutman are leading the company. Today's Doluca is one of the wineries that continues to set the standards for Turkish wine.

Doluca was in fact one of the most common wine displays that we saw during our travels throughout Turkey. Often hotels have a Doluca display at the entrance to the dining room. Here are a few examples of such displays:
Doluca Wine Display © Spaswinefood
Doluca Wine Display © Spaswinefood
Of course on some occasions during our travels throughout Turkey we ordered a bottle of Doluca  wine.
Doluca Verano Blush © Spaswinefood
Doluca Verano Blush © Spaswinefood
It was not surprising to find Doluca wines widely distributed throughout Turkey given Doluca produces over 40 products, with a 14 million bottle annual capacity. Today Doluca is engaged in the production of wines from both international grape varieties and from Turkey's indigenous grapes, such as ÖküzgözüBoğazkere, Kalecik Karasi, Emir, Misket and Narince.

During our pre-conference visit to Doluca we tasted a variety of wines at various stages of production and some vintages. We toured Doluca's new modern facility with Ali Kutman and winemaker, Pascal.
Visitors with Ali Kutman and winemaker,  Pascal at Doluca Winery © Spaswinefood
Doluca wine sampling © Spaswinefood
Sampling Doluca Wines © Spaswinefood

Doluca Winery, Thrace © Spaswinefood
During the #EWBC Gala Banquet one of the featured wines during dinner was a Doluca wine.
Doluca Winery Safir 2010 © Spaswinefood
Doluca Winery Safir 2010 © Spaswinefood
Spaswinefood has great memories of discovering some of the best of Turkey's wines. Tasting Doluca wines were indeed a "Turkish delight". Other than during the pre-conference tour #EWBC participants were also able to taste Doluca wines during the conference. Since the EWBC Digital Communications Conference 2012 in Izmir, Turkey it has become clear that there are unique challenges for the Turkish wine industry. Ken Payton's article describes the threats to Turkey's wine industry. 

I will continue to write about memories of my travels in Turkey at Spaswinefood

November 2012
Istanbul, Turkey

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